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Amsterdam to Volendam

Day trip to Volendam

Amsterdam to Volendam takes you to a historic village full of authentic Netherlands charm.

Volendam offers a rich, cultural Dutch heritage wrapped up in a quintessential Dutch fishing village. Here you will experience traditional crafts and customs, beautiful architecture and scenery and relax watching the working fishing boats in the harbour. The food is amazing too.

Volendam is only 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Amsterdam so is included in multiple day and half-day tours, as well as being easy to reach independently. You can choose from tours that purely feature Volendam or ones that couple it with other popular destinations like Zaanse Schans or Giethoorn for instance.

Volendam is an opportunity to see the Netherlands how it was and how perhaps many visitors perceive it from the multiple tourist brochures and promotions. Volendam, although rightly popular with tourists, has managed to retain its authenticity, making it a lovely trip out from Amsterdam.

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volendam streets
volendam cheese shop

You’ll see Volendam on postcards (remember those) and other tourist promotions. Its old ways charm is what sets it apart and makes it an essential visit whilst in Amsterdam.

volendam harbour

Amsterdam to Volendam

Day trip to Volendam

You can choose from multiple different types of tour to Volendam. Most of the tours are half-day tours and feature Volendam alongside other favourites such as Edam, Giethoorn, Marken and Zaanse Schans.

The half day tours by their nature are more what we would call whistle stop tours. There just isn’t enough time to wander round leisurely, popping into every shop you see. These tours are much more stop, see the biggest attraction, and then move to the next.

This is perfect for those who have a finite amount of time in the Netherlands and want to see as much as possible. You’ll see three or four of the prettiest places in the Netherlands in one 5.5-6hr tour. What you won’t gain is the full experience of visiting and exploring just one place in detail. But that is what the day tours and private guided tours to Volendam are for. You can also easily visit independently and spend as much time as you like there .

One of the things we like about the half-day tours is that the location of the featured villages makes each drive between them a much shorter experience. If you don’t enjoy sitting on a coach for hours between each stop then these village tours are for you. Each village is around 20-30 minutes from each other, so although you will be on a coach for some of the time, you won’t feel like you spent all your time on the coach and not at the attractions.

Volendam, Edam, Marken and Zaanse Schans Half-Day Tour 

Subtitled the Jewels of the Countryside tour this half-day tour (6.5hrs) takes you around some of the most beautiful villages/towns in the Netherlands. The tour leaves at 8.15am, so you’ll be back in Amsterdam around 3pm.

Tour companies usually leave from the back of Centraal Station, (De Ruijterkade) which is very easy to find, and you’ll enjoy the usual luxury air conditioned vehicle/coach for your journey.

This is a guided tour (choose from Spanish or English) and by taking this you will see and experience working windmills, beautiful Dutch countryside, authentic Dutch architecture, see a cheese farm, clog making and enjoy some cheese tasting. You’ll also get to wander historic streets and experience authentic fishing villages. A trip to fill your reel with pictures.

Volendam, Zaanse Schans and Marken Tour

This Dutch village tour is advertised as a full day tour at 7hrs, but is only 30 minutes longer than the half-day tour above (I’m not sure how that works either). It also has two departure times, one in the morning (8.45) and one in the afternoon (3pm), so lets just say its a slightly longer half-day tour for clarity. It does however visit one less place (Edam), so you will get longer in each of the featured attractions.

Again this leaves from the back of Centraal Station, (De Ruijterkade) which is very easy to find, and you’ll enjoy the usual luxury air conditioned vehicle/coach for your journey.

This is a guided tour (English/Spanish) and also includes an audio guide in multiple languages to use on the trip.

You’ll experience a windmill visit, Dutch cheese tasting, see clog making using an antique steam engine and enjoy a 30-minute boat trip between Volendam and Marken.

As mentioned above these are fast paced tours fitting as much as they can in the time, so you get an authentic flavour of traditional Dutch villages in one tour.

volendam windmill

Amsterdam to Volendam 

Independent travel to Volendam

It is not a difficult journey to Volendam using public transport, your own car or even using your bike (if you have the energy).

Volendam is 12 miles or 20 kilometers from Amsterdam which equates to around about 30 minutes travel time by road.

If you are going to go by bike then factor in around 1hr 15m-2hrs to make the journey (and then the one back).

Bus to Volendam

Using the bus is the simplest and cheapest way to get to Volendam from Amsterdam. The buses leave Centraal Station regularly and offer flexibility to spend as much time as you want in Volendam. If you want to see the other villages, then you’ll have to start planning bus routes at which point one of the tours may be preferable.

Bus Line: 316 or 801

Departure: From Amsterdam Centraal Station or Amsterdam Noord.

Travel Time: Around 20-30 minutes.

Frequency: Buses depart every 15-30 minutes.

Ticket: You can buy a ticket directly on the bus, use an OV-chipkaart, or purchase a ticket online in advance.

Drive to Volendam

If you prefer driving, you will most likely use your sat nav to plan from your base in Amsterdam. Below is the route from Centraal Station.

Route: Take the s116 to Nieuwe Leeuwarderweg, then the N247 north towards Volendam. Take N517 into Volendam.

Travel Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic.

Parking: Volendam has several parking areas, with some free and some paid.

Cycle to Volendam

For those with plenty of time and energy, you’ll enjoy beautiful views and be part of the scenery rather than having it flash by out of a window.

Route: You can cycle along the N247 (using the route by car above), taking you leisurely through the Dutch countryside.

Travel Time: Approximately 1hr 15m to 2 hours, depending on your pace.

volendam shops


Volendam is the place to visit if you looking for a preserved slice of Dutch culture. Sure, it will have places designed for tourists as it attracts so many visitors, but visitors come because the feel of Volendam is authentic. It is an old Dutch village with many of the original customs and buildings still intact.

Volendam is located in the northern province of Holland and is at its heart a pictureque fishing village. The village centres around its beautiful harbour full of fishing boats.

Traditional Dutch Costume

In Volendam you will find that the residents still wear traditional Dutch clothing for special events or as part of the visitor experience. You can even wear some yourself, which makes for unique pictures.

Volendam Museum

This interesting museum offers insights into the village’s history, culture and traditions. It includes exhibits on traditional clothing, art and the fishing industry that has been central to Volendam’s economy.

Book Volendam Museum Tickets

Cheese and Clogs

Volendam is also known for its cheese shops and clog-making demonstrations. You can watch how traditional Dutch clogs are made and taste a variety of local cheeses. The tours to Volendam will often focus on this during their visit.

Harbor (Haven)

The lively harbor area is the heart of Volendam, with its colorful boats and waterfront cafes. It’s a great place for photos, to enjoy fresh seafood and people-watch.


A small maze of narrow streets and alleys, Doolhof is one of the oldest parts of Volendam. Come here to explore and see the unique Dutch architecture up close.


A small wooden Dutch protestant church, built in 1658 and one of the oldest buildings in Volendam.

Music and Art

Volendam has a rich musical heritage and is known as the birthplace of several popular Dutch musicians. The village has a strong artistic tradition as well, with many painters being inspired by its scenic beauty. You will find places to buy art here that would be a unique reminder of your visit to the Netherlands.

Reasons to visit Volendam

As it is only 20-30 minutes from Amsterdam, it is easy to visit and you’ll be immersed in traditional Dutch culture and beautiful scenery. You’ll feel like you are seeing how Dutch culture used to be, and still is here, albeit with the modern additions.

Go for the authentic Dutch village experience and unique picture opportunities.

volendam harbour